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Southampton Pride In Business Network with Beyond Reflections

at The Stage Door

Southampton Pride In Business Network with Beyond Reflections

The Stage Door is delighted to be hosting the Southampton Pride In Business Network with Beyond Reflections for an evening of Trans+ Awareness training and networking.

Maximillian Mustafa-Holzapfel will be hosting an evening of Trans+ Awareness training. Mustafa is the Therapeutic Lead at Beyond Reflections as well as overseeing safeguarding, risk management, and developments in the delivery of training and support. Maximillian has been with the charity in several roles since 2017, most notably providing member support and allocations, and providing our trans+ awareness training.

Beyond Reflections is a charity that supports trans, non-binary, and questioning adults as well as their families and friends with their mental health and well-being. We envision a world where every person, regardless of gender identity or sexuality, can freely embrace and express their true selves. We believe in the power of mental well-being support and education to bring this vision to life.

All SPIB members are entitled to book free tickets as well as new members interested in joining SPIB. All new guests are asked to select a maximum of 2 free tickets and additional tickets are available at £10.

Doors are 17:30 for drinks and light refreshments and the talk begins at 18:00. The event will close at 20:00.

The Southampton Pride in Business Network (SPIB) is a newly formed community of businesses in Hampshire committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA).

We are living in the most diverse time in history, and many organisations are struggling to understand how they can support and represent all groups of employees, and therefore failing to attract and retain a diverse enough population to engage with their clients and truly meet their DEIA promises.

Our levents will welcome Business Leaders, HR leaders, DEIA Leads, business owners, directors, and staff members who have the ability to influence decision-makers within their organisation. By affiliating with SPIB, you gain access to invaluable resources, training, accreditation, exclusive quarterly in-person events, and networking opportunities.

SPIB is more than just professional development and networking; it's about supporting the safe space Southampton Pride creates for the local community. This network supports Southampton Pride via a small monthly fee, and in return the members receive all the benefits above.


Book Tickets


The Stage Door
78 West Marlands Road
SO14 7FW

Venue: 02380 630 300

Booking Terms and Conditions

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